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Health & Sustainability
At Pan Marine Group, we take great pride in being one of the leaders in the Egyptian maritime industry. We provide essential services in shipping, logistics, and petroleum offshore operations. However, we understand that our success is fundamentally linked to the well-being of our employees and the health of the environment we operate in. This commitment is reflected in our core values of safety, sustainability, and responsibility. We believe that a healthy workforce and a healthy environment are essential for a sustainable future. By prioritizing both, we can ensure the continued success of our company while contributing to a cleaner, safer ocean for generations to come. We are committed to transparency in our health and sustainability efforts. We regularly have reports outlining our progress towards our goals and any challenges we encounter. These reports are available upon requests.

Employees Health and Safety

  • Safety First Culture: We cultivate a strong safety culture where everyone, from senior management to crew members, is empowered to identify and mitigate risks. We achieve this through comprehensive training programs, regular safety audits, and a commitment to open communication.
  • Employee Well-being: We recognize the demanding nature of maritime work. We prioritize the physical and mental health of our employees by offering access to:
    • Telehealth services for seafarers away from home.
    • Onboard wellness programs promoting healthy living habits.
    • Shore leave policies that allow for adequate rest and recuperation.

Environmental Sustainability

  • Emission Reduction Strategies: We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint. This includes:
    • Investing in cleaner burning fuels and waste management practices that minimize pollution.
    • Optimizing routes and vessel operations for improved fuel efficiency.
    • Application of silicone paint technology to the hulls of our vessels.
    • Upgrading the main engine control system to include engine power limitation based on EEXI calculation.
    • Replacement of all deck lights on vessels with LED lights.
  • Waste Management: We have robust waste management plans in place that minimize waste generation and prioritize recycling and responsible disposal.
  • Marine Ecosystem Protection: We are dedicated to protecting the delicate marine environment. This involves:
    • Strict adherence to regulations regarding ballast water treatment and waste discharge.
    • Collaboration with research institutions to develop sustainable practices.
    • Investment in technologies to prevent oil spills and other environmental disasters.